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Primary Care 

We offer a range of services to help you prioritize your health and well-being. Primary care for all ages includes comprehensive history and examination and goal setting to keep you in charge of your health. If you would like a home visit please click here


New Patient Consultation

Detailed history and examination to share goals for care for adults who have not yet been seen in our office

1 hour




Pediatric Well Visit

For children 0-17 to assess  growth and development

Includes history and examination 

1 hour



Follow up visit

For patients experiencing acute illness or those

needing follow up or lab review

30 min


Drops on Lilac Surface

Vitamin Injections and Infusion

Give yourself a boost of energy or keep your body supported during illness and recovery. There is a vitamin injection or infusion that can help with that and more!

Click injection bundles and infusion bundles for a great deal!


B12 Injection

Need a boost of energy? Vitamin B12 will help with energy, immune support and may also help with weight loss and sleep.



Immune Boost Infusion

Boost your immune system and feel your best! Whether you have an autoimmune illness, are recovering from an acute illness, or preparing for surgery, our infusion therapy is designed to help improve your body's defenses and overall wellness, so you can feel your best.



Vitamin D Injection

Vitamin D helps support your immune system, bone health, heart health and more. 


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Alleviate your low back pain, muscle cramps, and irritability with this infusion. We are dedicated to providing you with the relief you need to get back to doing what you love. Schedule an appointment with us today.




Immune Boost

This injectable blend of glutathione, vitamin C and zinc designed to give your body a boost when you are feeling under the weather or exposed to illness


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Migraine B Gone

Say goodbye to migraine pain with this infusion.  We are focused on providing relief and IV hydration, to help you manage your migraines. If you're ready to take action and start experiencing relief, schedule your appointment today.


Dandelion Meadow
Dandelion Leaves

Vitamin Injection and Infusion Bundles




We offer a range of services to help you prioritize your health and well-being. Our Injection Bundle is a great option for those looking to give their body the nutrients and support it needs.

5 Vitamin D or B12 injections 


3 Immune Boost injections



Buy a package of 2 or more IV infusions for 30% off


starting at


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